About the author

Hi, my name is Jeanne Franco. During my postgraduate studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in order to carry out my scientific research, I needed to collect, organize and analyze data. This led me to develop an interest in data analysis and visualization using R software. Since then, I have dedicated myself to this area through courses and gained professional experience through consultancies and lectures. My professional and volunteer experiences include: 1. Consulting in data analysis, data visualization and scientific production at Beta Analítica; 2. Programming in R: manipulating and visualizing data with the tidyverse package, producing reports with R Markdown, producing websites and blogs in R using the Quarto system, HTML and CSS markup languages and producing applications with the Shiny package; 3. Basic knowledge of Python and SQL, and organizing the R-Ladies de Natal community1.


  1. R-Ladies is a global non-profit organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity and teach courses on the R programming language.↩︎